Monday, January 2, 2017

"I love a girl. I used to love her a lot. She seems so fine and amazing to me. That was a dull year, where exam is my top priority, until I met her. Since then, I never stop thinking about her and trying to get close to her. Sometimes it was frustrating, saddening, when she didn't seem to like me like I did, when all she thinks about was another guy. I don't know what makes me feel so passionate about her. Maybe is the way she talks. Maybe it's the way she liked him. Maybe it's her quietness, giving her an atmosphere of mystery. "This is the girl I wanted". That belief was simple and strong. Yes, she accepted me after that, she said yes to me on a midnight which I was having an emotional breakdown saying how much I wanna be with her , not just as a friend. At the least expected moment, she opened the door of her heart for me .

But why?

Would I still be that passionate about her, if only I knew that she is a very stubborn person, easily get distracted, poor in financial planning, from a "problem" family,  selfish, not caring, emotional?
Would I still be that passionate about her, if only I knew she would not put me as her priority?

Sometimes I wonder, does she really love me? "


Loving yourself. Nothing is more important. It doesn't mean you ignore everything around you. It means, having a harmony relationship with your environment, while making yourself more contented, becomes better day by day.

Life has an end, that is why this moment is a "present".